Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
             Mentoring Process
CEOVista mentoring process initially focuses on behavioral and mind-related skill-sets before moving onto task-related performances and issues. The facilitation is done in a power free, beneficial learning situations. The process stresses on providing advice, de-clogging the mind, sharing knowledge and experiences thru a low pressure, self-discovery approach - drawing liberally on “strategic persuasion” to direct the mentee to pre-determined competency level to enable him achieve the desired performance level.
The process provides for 360 degree monitoring and feedback for assessing the progress made towards the set goals.

CEOVista has been successfully engaged in a large number of assignments on mentoring in varied companies. Most assignments entail one-on-one mentoring while few involve “small group mentoring”.
CEOVista attempts to enable an executive exhibit leadership and winning behavior. A typical assignment entails: understanding the role requirements of the mentee in the given organization setting; understanding the mentee - his mind-set and skill-set; analysis of gap between the role-requirements and mentee's mind-set plus skill-set; undertaking varied and requisite interventions to make the mentee shed inhibitions and come to terms with the role requirements and exhibit leadership and winning behaviour.

The interventions carried out by the mentor emphasize on enhancing mentee’s capabilities, confidence and clarity-level thru a series of on-site as well as off-site sessions which are carried out in a flexible time-frame lasting 3-6 months or longer. Sessions are private, confidential and conducted mostly in informal settings.

The table below outlines the steps entailed in a typical 3-month mentoring cycle for CEO/CXO. The steps may vary for longer-duration mentoring assignments and for mentoring of other categories of mentees, viz. managing-members of families of "family-owned businesses", celebrities, expatriates, woman-leaders etc.

Process Step
Time Frame
Mentor meets with mentee and his management to assess ground zero and set mentoring goals in consultation with mentee and his management  
Week 0 
Initial meets ( 2-4) with mentee to understand the situation : profile, competency map, aspirations, limitations, current role, future role etc.(Each meet may last 2-4 hrs; Number of meets depend upon the mentoring goals and may vary)
Week 0-2
Further meets(4-6) with the mentee and his management to discuss mind-clogs and areas of major weaknesses; administer select knowledge inputs thru informal and formal sessions.(Each meet may last 2-4 hrs; Number of meets depend upon the mentoring goals and may vary)
Week 2-12
Feedback sessions with mentee and his management
Week 2-12
Telephonic and web-based interaction with mentee and management

   (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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