Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
      Executive Mentoring – Salient Points
  • Executives are increasingly surrounded by forces they cannot control.
  • Executives recognize the value of honest, objective feedback and use mentors to sustain and further     their success.
  • Everyone has room to improve.
  • Executives operate in vacuum, cannot discuss performance issues openly with colleagues and in-house    forum.
  • Rapidly growing complexities in managing people and businesses are hastening skill- obsolescence    creating performance fatigue, inertia and menopause. Mentoring provides fresh perspectives and is      rejuvenating.
  • The demands of sustaining and improving performance are severe, so is the ensuing stress – it is a     majorm challenge to be at best while under constant pressure and without a coping mechanism in place.
  • A mentor provides a coping-mechanism, an objective sounding board and a reality check, enabling     executives to be at their optimum to get the best out of themselves, team and environment.

  •     Gains of Mentoring process are many. As a minimum, the process provides:
  • Effective and confidential opportunity to discuss key issues
  • A sounding board for “de-clogging of mind” and “out- of- box” discussions
  • Elevated confidence plus clarity and enhanced motivation to look ahead and anticipate future challenges     and opportunities
  • Personal and executive development thru Improved knowledge and skills
  • Aligning personal goals with the role requirements
  • Exposure to new ideas, insights and fresh ways of thinking
  • Reduced stress and life - work balance
  •    (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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