Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
              CEO/CXO Hiring
Selection of CEO/Business Head/Functional Heads.
CEOVista offers its expertise in identifying and inducting top notch executives as MD, JMD, Directors (board/non-board) CEO, CXO etc. The team possesses the requisite expertise and network - to locate and induct the most qualified leaders for businesses in varied industries and sectors. Our activity cycle entails following activities:

  • Understanding company’s business, processes, structure, strategic architecture
  • Understanding company – top brass, history, culture and ethics, value system
  • Understanding the principal accountabilities, KRAs, role, competency map
  • Developing specs for the position including compensation advisory
  • Developing search strategy plus a pool of potential candidates
  • Short listing and Evaluating suitable candidates against the specs
  • Salary negotiations and referral checks
  • Induction counseling to facilitate the incumbent enmesh with new culture
  • Post-hiring performance mentoring to assist incumbent achieve target performance levels

  • CEOVista considers integrity, intelligence, maturity, vision, execution track-record, authenticity, energy-level, vision, EQ, resilience, candor as uncompromising set of core-competencies for a CEO/CXO positions and relentlessly advises its clients to hire a guy who has the potential to be a long-haul leader. The approach emphasizes on the unique work-culture setting of the client company, evaluating options with a long-term perspective.
  • All search assignments need to be mandated on exclusive basis
  • All search assignments are conducted in strict confidence and in shortest possible time-frame.

  • Please click here for a look at the list of representative searches.
    Please contact us with details of specific support required at info@ceovista.com
       (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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