Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
          Mentoring Celebrity  
A celebrity is a prominent person who commands a great degree of public fascination and influence in day-to-day media. The term is implied with great popular appeal, prominence in a particular field and easy recognition by the general public.

A person gains celebrity status as a result of a successful career in a particular field- sports, entertainment, media, public life or other fields.Celebdom often comes after long, sustained and arduous efforts. Only few celebs achieve the coveted status by accident. While it is tough to achieve celeb or cult status, it is unusually easy to lose it and move into oblivion. A celeb figure needs to constantly innovate and rediscover himself to stay on top of the chart. Few failures may put serious cracks in the self-belief triggering an irrecoverable down-slide. celebs will agree that it is easier to reach the pinnacle of success but an almost insurmountable challenge to retain the success point and move further up. It is here that a celeb needs professional mentoring from a person who can help in un-cluttering the situations and help move further up.

CEOVista offers its tailored services to mentor celebrities. The focus of the services is towards:
1. Strategic architecture for the self: to stay on top, move further up , arrest downslide, manage downslide,    alternate way forwards if downslide is irreversible
2. Goal-Setting : setting new goals or revisiting earlier-set goals
3. Motivation : rejuvenate and enhance motivation level
4. Change-Management: deal with and get on top of fast-paced changes in the environment
5. Self-Management : enhance own quotient- emotional, political & behavioral, to manage self and    surroundings in an improved way

The mentoring interventions range from few-sessions dialogue to multiple-sessions interactions.
Please contact us with details of specific support required at info@ceovista.com

   (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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