Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
Expats, no matter where they work, or what sector they are from, bring new experiences, new ideas and thoughts. It is important to apply these thoughts within the local context, ensuring that they are relevant to the expectations of the local market.

The last few years have seen a steady stream of expat talent come into India, looking to work in an economy that is still growing. Led by strong economic activity from emerging and developing economies in Asia, international assignments in India are increasing. The next few years will see the Indian workplace attracting more influx of expats. The recent trend of a large number of NRIs returning to India with valuable hands-on experience from other parts of the world is also a pointer in that direction.

China, India and Russia rank among the top 3 countries that expats find most challenging across the globe. While China and India are among the top destinations for overseas assignments, China and India are also rank-toppers in the list of locations with the highest rates of assignment failure.

India can be quite overwhelming. Starting a new life in India is immensely exciting but certainly not without the inevitable pits and downfalls. To start with the positive aspects: life in India can be extremely rewarding for those who embrace its challenges.

India is appealing due to its dynamism and diversity. There is a big difference in the work culture. The limited understanding of the culture of the land and a work culture that is distinctly different from the one expats are used to, proves to be imposing and intimidating. The inability to find their way through the organized chaos that India represents, the lack of processes and/or structure for most expats, especially, those in process-driven occupations can be downright maddening. Disconnect between organizational culture and expat’s own personal work culture is one of the biggest challenges in India. Some of the work habits most Indian executive practice regularly may seem ‘unprofessional’ to an expat. Add to that, the lack of overall infrastructure, and life in India can be much more challenging than life back home.

The challenge is to understand the concept of Indian diversity well. Things take time in India and a lot of expats struggle to adapt to how things work or accept how things work or how to work with it. One of the things that India is known for is that things get done but not necessarily in the way that one thought. Understanding cultural contexts is therefore, key. India is a diverse and complex market with each state having its own language and unique culture. India is known to be a melting pot of multiculturalism, such a big place geographically, such extremes in terrain and climate, so many languages and religions, so many different attitudes to food and drink, traditions and habits, old and young, rich and poor, it goes on and on.

Success in the Indian work-place depends a lot on understanding culture and having an emotional connect with the people. Like in any transplant — be it heart, kidney or management— the internal body needs to accept, otherwise the body will reject the ‘foreign’ particle. That’s biology, chemistry, history and life! It is more about adaptation.

CEOVista works upon and delivers tailor-made acclimatizing and harmonizing mentoring modules for expat executives and their families to prepare them to have a successful and joyful stint in India- a land which has been credited with being the “cradle of civilization”(Albert Einstein) and has been conferred such glowing tributes as sampled below:

“If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India”(Max Mueller)

“So far as I am able to judge, nothing has been left undone, either by man or Nature, to make India the most extraordinary country that the sun visits on his round. Nothing seems to have been forgotten, nothing overlooked.” (Mark Twain, in Following the Equator)

Please contact us with details of specific support required at info@ceovista.com
   (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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