Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
      Senior Management Executives (CEOs/CXOs)
The purpose of business leadership is to create wealth – financial, human and social – in the face of external developments that are never entirely foreseeable. CEOs make decisions that profoundly impact businesses. It is not uncommon that CEOs find things going off track than working out as they had planned or would have liked. Add to that the fact that no two scenarios (read, crises) are ever going to be the same. Factors impacting a businesses may be external or internal- it may relate to communicationmorale, funding, economy, processes, competition, people and skills or even unrealistic expectations from the board -it could also be none of these, or all of them… and then, there will be yet more factors which are less obvious or unique or in the process of making a debut.

Still, think of a CEO and a whole lot of thoughts come to mind : big decisions, incredible networking, power lunches, crises & pressures, packed schedules, thrills of winning, pains of losing etc. The real payoff of being a CEO is the fun it brings to life. Being a CEO is not just about setting goals and establishing a vision. It's about energizing the entire organization with a passion to succeed. It's about simplifying issues and identifying the key drivers to success, and then focusing on execution. Though there is no magic formula to sure-shot success but each CEO knows what it takes to be successful- sharp focus, clear perception, uncluttered view of the set goals, rallying the team etc. will lead to the winning post.

But why is it so that while one CEO finds a challenge exciting and thrives while another finds the same challenge overwhelming and sinks. One leads the team straight into the challenge and rides success while another fumbles at the first hurdle. Many a times, even the same CEO depicts diametric-opposing conduct while facing seemingly-similar challenges – riding the challenge sometimes while fumbling other times.

To state the obvious, no CEO seems capable of exhibiting six sigma-conforming behaviour. The response of a CEO to varied situations is guided by many factors, including but not limited to, current ego-state and mindset which in turn, are influenced by a host of factors and issues-( past experiences, personality make-up, attitude; degree of conflict with board and within the team, stress-coping mechanism, political quotient etc.) - it all boils down to what goes between the ears. That brings mentoring into the frame.
CEOVista offers its tailored services to mentor CEO/CXOs. The focus of the services is towards enabling the CEO to beat inflection point and performance-fatigue as well as to provide future-readiness. Some of the goals achieved in most mentoring assignments, are listed below:

1. Strategic architecture for the self: to stay on top, move further up, arrest downslide, manage downslide,      alternate way forwards if downslide is irreversible .
2. Goal-Setting : setting new career- goals or revisiting earlier-set goals.
3. Motivation : rejuvenate and enhance motivation level.
4. Change-Management: deal with and get on top of fast-paced changes .
5. Conflict- Management : optimum coping mechanism to deal with internal and external conflicts.
6. Time-Management : clarity on urgent vs important / compass vs clock / procrastination avoidance.
7. Self-Management : enhance own quotient- emotional, political, behavioral etc. to manage self and    surroundings in an improved way.

   (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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