Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
          Board Room Services
The role of the Board of Directors is to provide guidance and strategic oversight to management. Corporate governance is complicated and dynamic to even the most experienced leaders. The health and vigor of a company is influenced critically by the quality of its board. Not just the talents that the boardroom enlists, but also the way they bond and work together. The roles and functioning of company boards are often ambiguous and/or misunderstood. The relationships among boards, and executives are varied, complex and sometimes fraught with conflict and indifference.
The role of a company’s Board of Director has always been a matter of intense debate and is often held responsible for the decisions taken by the executive management and hence, is held accountable to the shareholders as well as the regulators.

The board composition and its effectiveness are critical governance issues for every kind of organization. Changes in legislation, regulations and governance codes have influenced companies to re-examine the composition of their boards and its functioning. A majority of the companies are planning to induct higher number of independent and non-executive directors and bring new perspective and skills into the boardroom. Independent Directors add value, bring diverse perspectives and enhance corporate governance.

CEOVista is equipped to address critical aspects of boardroom functioning and offers following services to companies:
  • Review and Framing of Governance Guidelines, which reflect the principles by which the company    operates – the document is a statement of intention. It is a live working document which needs updation    from time to time.
  • Advisory to directors on the role expected out of them and mentoring on any dis-connects on this count.    Boardroom mentoring helps a new director quicken his feet moving and contribute more to the board.
  • Hiring of suitable and eminent achievers and executives for appointment as Executive or Independent    Directors on the Boards to help strengthen the board structure.

    The purpose of our services is to lift the foggy uncertainty and provide uncluttered understanding of corporate governance: what boards are required to do as well as not to do and why many boards are effective while many others falter leading to problems for the company and the board itself. The intent is to provide a perspective that will equip a person to join and serve on boards with a clear understanding of what is expected of him and how to be most effective.

    Please contact us with details of specific support required at info@ceovista.com
  •    (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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