Our Services Include Mentoring; Strategic Advisory; CEO/CXO Hiring and Board-Room Services
              Women Leaders:
The women are making an influence on business sphere across the globe and are doing a wonderful job. The march towards the corner-room office has never been so real as it is now. Woman executives have demonstrated the ability for growing a company, for spotting trends, for maintaining a meritocratic culture, for transforming work-culture etc.

It is argued that other things being equal, women stand a better chance to succeed by sheer dint of higher Emotional Quotient, Commitment and Focus.  
The need for that “special effort” to make it to top is much more compelling now as the competition with their male counterparts is intense in a “gloves-are-off-now” scenario.

While it’s time to celebrate those women who have tackled the glass-ceiling head-on, CEOVista recognizes that there are many who are not able to sustain their march-forward due to varied reasons- cultural, dual-role, attitudinal self-doubt etc.

CEOVista offers its services to enable woman leaders to undertake that “special effort” needed to qualify to lead an organization with distinction and developing a track record that can make them a role model for other women executives

CEOVista works out tailor-made mentoring modules for woman executives for either of the 2 situations:
  • the need for the catalytic “special effort” to move further up or
  • to overcome the challenge of “the halt in the forward march” due to cultural and/or dual-role conflicts.

  • Please contact us with details of specific support required at info@ceovista.com

       (CEOVista is a division Of Wizard Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd., established in 1992)
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